So, what are cookies? They are harmless tiny files containing numbers or largely meaningless strings of characters stored in your computer. They cannot carry viruses, can’t spy on you, won’t steal your soul and, on this site, don’t carry any personal information.
For some reason the EU has deemed that you are told that these are in use. I’ve never understood why. The worse they could do is tell somebody technical, with hands on access to your computer, that you’ve visited this site. That information would probably be in your browser history anyway.
Cookies from this site are already on your computer. If that troubles you then please quit this site and clear the cookies from you browsing history.
Yes, your browser might say that this site is “not secure”. This is because is has no SSL Certificate‘ This means that data sent to and from the site is not encrypted and that you are not protected against being fooled into accessing a fake copy of this site! Quite why anybody would counterfeit this site is, of course, a mystery.
As this site never asks you for any personal information then encryption not an issue.
If a link on this site invites you to email me then your email address will not be passed on to anybody else without your instruction or consent.
This site contains links to various other sites. I take no responsibility for the content of these sites nor for any consequences arising from visiting any of them.