I’ve also posted some guest photos. These are not by me but are at events or in situations where I was present.
No photos have been manipulated in terms of brightness, hue nor focus. A very few have had minor patches to remove an intrusive element or distracting bright spot. Almost all are cropped versions of the original.
London, 2018. Office workers on a fag break from the Shard at London Bridge.Goa, India 2005. On a visit to an orphanage in Panjim, the Goanese capital. There was caged rooftop area where the children could play.North London, 2016.London Docklands, 2019. Morris dancers encourage weary Marathon runners.Battersea, London 2019. Spotted on the way to a music event. I was annoyed to miss the very tip of the tail.South of France, 1999. Owners of a small hotel relax over an off-season supper.Surrey 2018. Young onlooker at a folk dance festival.